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Writer's pictureMimosa Mermaid

Ever lost something on holiday in Malta? Fear not the island has a new lost and found system.

Updated: Nov 7, 2023

We've all lost something whilst on holiday and it can be really distressing if its of sentimental value.

Well, great news, as Malta Police have a new Lost and Found Hub.

It's rather unimaginative tag line being "Reconnecting possessions with rightful owners" - but if it does what it says on the tin, it's all good!

The hub is a new public Facebook page where items which have been found by the public and handed in to the police are listed.

You can find every kind of item on there, medication, clothes, handbags, wallets, purses and keys to name but a few.

Each found item post also contains a police report number and a contact number to call if the item is yours to claim.

A simple but very effective initiative which will hopefully make reuniting you and your items much easier and a little less stressful.

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